11. Showtime
2004.10.14. 20:07
A Sunnydalei buszállomáson leszáll egy lány és elkezd kresgélni a telefonkönyvben, de megtámadja egy szörny, és Buffy megmenti. Kiderül hogy a lány vadász, és Rona a neve. Buffy hazaviszi. Otthon Willow elég kényelmetlenül alszik a földön, Kennedy pedig az ágyon. Kennedy megpróbálta elcsábítani Willowt, sikertelenül. Buffy eközben gondolkodik az Elsőről, keresi a lehetőségeket. Xander felébred, majd vissza alszik. Buffy információkat keres az Elsőről. Giles és Anya átmegy egy úgymond másik dimenzióba, hogy beszéljen Beljaxa szemével. Spike verekszik egy démonnal, és talizik Buffyval. Buffy később elkezd harcolni az Elsővel. Másnap Anya visszamegy a régi barátjához ,,démonhoz", hogy visszamenjen Beljaxa szeméhez. Willow telefonál Buffynak és Xandernek, majd később találnak egy halott lányt..... Buffy hazamegy és mérges Evere. ( Ez most lehet, hogy nektek érthetetlen, de nem értettem pontosan a szöveg lényegét, nem fordítottal le végig, csak a felét....)
At Sunnydale Bus station a bus arrives and out walks a girl. She heads to a phonebook and looks in there, but pages are torn out. When she turns around she sees the harbingers. Buffy arrives and gets rid of them all quite swiftly, introduces herself to another potential slayer, Rona. Together they go home. At the Summers' home Willow's having an uncomfortable night sleeping on the floor while Kennedy has her bed. Kennedy tries to entice Willow in there with her but Willow doesn't want to. Downstairs some of the other potentials are talking about Buffy, the Turok-han and The First. None of them all that confidant about the situation or about Buffy. Xander wakes up and tells them all to go back to sleep, and Andrew says the same from his tied up position in the corner. Buffy soon arrives back with Rona and introduces her to everyone else, while Molly introduces her to the kitchen. Buffy stresses they need to find more information on The First. Giles says that they haven't exhausted all of their resources, and against Anya's request tells Buffy about Beljoxa's Eye, a mystical oracle. Buffy tells Anya and Giles to look into that the next day. Back in the cavern Spike's looking worse, a harbinger approaches him. Spike jumps to action and releases himself from his restraints and fights off a few bringers. As he leaves the cave he meets Buffy. He then awakes with The First as Buffy looking over him, taunting and trying to fill him with more doubt on Buffy. But it doesn't seem to be all that effective. The next day Anya goes to an old demon friend of hers to ask about Beljoxa's eye and how to get to where it is. At first he doesn't say anything, after a threat from Giles the demon, Torg, opens the gateway to get to Beljoxa's Eye. As they enter the place is pitch black, and then they see it.
Back at the Summers' home Willow gets a phone call from the Coven, another potential arrived a couple of days ago. She tells Buffy and Xander and they both head out after untying Andrew. In the basement the potentials are all training. Eve asks what's the point, morale's low for them all. Buffy and Xander arrive at a roadside motel, Buffy kicks toe door into to find the dead potential, only it's Eve. Buffy arrives back home in a hurry looking for Eve. She gets to the basement and warns them all to back away from Eve, it's not Eve it's The First. The First tells them that she's learnt a lot over the past couple of days, then disappears into thin air. In the eternal vortex Giles and Anya are trying to get some answers out of Beljoxa's eye. It tells them that The First can not be taken down. Giles asked what brought The First here, and it replies the slayer. Back at the Summers' home the potentials with Buffy, Xander, Willow & Dawn all sit around the table. All of the potentials are sharing their worries about not living another day. Buffy, Willow & Xander all leave them to their own thoughts while they go into the kitchen, silently. In the cavern The First tells the Turok-han to go after them, but to leave her alone. It's night and the bringers are surrounding the Summer's home, more and more arrive every minute. The Turok-han arrives, Willow puts up a barrier which stops the Turok-Han momentarily while the rest of them run. They all head out. On the street Buffy tells them to run while she deals with the Turok-han. Anya and Giles emerge from the gateway. Giles explains that it's Buffy's being back alive again that has made The First arrive. Anya tells Giles that it's their fault, for bringing Buffy back, she was better off dead.
She fights the Turok-han off for most of the time, holy water seems to have an effect on it. But it runs off to get to the potentials before she gets to fight back much. Xander and Willow have taken the potentials to one of Xander's construction sites. But the Turok-han has made it's way there as well, they all scatter. Things don't look good, suddenly all the spot lights switch on, and Buffy's there. The potentials, Dawn, Andrew & Willow all climb onto some scaffolding. They watch as Buffy and the Turok-han fight it out. Dawn realises that Buffy, Xander and Willow all planned this. We flashback to the potentials sitting round the table. Buffy telepathically talks to Willow and Xander and set the plan up then. Buffy wanted the potentials to see her kill the Turok-han, but the house wasn't a good place for it. Xander said he knew of a place they could have it. Back to the fight, things don't seem to be going so well for the slayer. The Turok-han has the upper hand. She gets launched through some scaffolding. But that's where the Turok-han's upper hand stops. Buffy gets into mode and takes the upper hand, takes a steel wire and cuts the head off the Turok-han, and then sees it fall to dust. Buffy tells the potentials that it's dust, just like the rest of them. They all go home, with a slightly more positive attitude, but The First in Eve's form looks on, not very happy. In the cavern with Spike, Buffy arrives. Spike thinks it's another apparition. She comes with a knife and breaks Spike's holdings. Spike grabs Buffy's shoulder and realises then that it's actually Buffy. She takes him and leaves the cavern.