21. End of days
2004.10.14. 20:01
A bomba ferrobban de szerencsére senkinek nics semmi baja. Buffy miután kivette a fejszét. Buffy hazamegy, a lányok pedig felébrednek a csatornában és megtámadják őket, de sikeresen elmenekülnek. Buffy odaadja a fejszét Willownak, hogy megvizsgálja . Spike és Buffy meghitt beszélgetést folytatnak majd buffy elindul megölni Calebet. De Caleb fölénybe kerül és Buffy majdnem meghal, de Angel visszatér és megmenti. Utána csók, meg minden és ezt Spike is látja, és hát nem esik valami jól neki mondhatom...
The bomb goes off, just as Faith tells everyone to get down. Faith dives for cover in a pool of water. Elsewhere Buffy sees this unknown weapon in a piece of rock. Caleb soon follows her down there and is shocked when it's seemingly jammed tight in the rock and Buffy can simply lift it out. A fight ensues. The First tells Caleb to let Buffy go, which he eventually does. Back to Faith and the potentials, things aren't so good. Amanda's the first one to be seen, the whole area has crumbled around them. They find Vi, who has a broken arm. Eventually most of them are found and Faith's been recovered from her pool of water, but is still unconscious. They grab her and get out, as they can hear a Turok-Han. Just as they seem to be in the clear the Turok-Han appears. Kennedy reckons that they can take on, but another appears from behind. Back in the Summers' home Andrew returns from an empty grocery store. Xander, Anya, Willow & Xander return from their hunt for Buffy but they don't find her. Giles' is worried about Faith not returning with the rest of the girls. Kennedy has taken charge of the situation. Another Turok-Han appears, one potential gets beaten down. Behind them the ceiling caves in, it's Buffy. Who with a few swift blows of her new weapon, gets rid of the three Turok-Hans. They all get out of there. At the Summers' home they're all tending to the wounded. Kennedy asks Buffy if she's back, she doesn't quite know. Amanda suggests they're getting punished for following Faith, Buffy doesn't blame Faith, it could have happened to either of them. Giles and Xander carry Faith upstairs. In another bedroom Giles & Willow examine the scythe that Buffy got. Buffy explains to them, the power she feels off it and that it somehow belongs to her. They start research on it right away.
Downstairs Anya & Andrew look after the wounded. As they look after one potential Andrew reckons they need more supplies, proper supplies for what's to come. He suggest that the both of them go to the hospital, which is probably abandoned and get some proper medical supplies. In the kitchen Buffy and Xander are talking about a plan. Of which Xander's not happy about it. He wants to be there at the end, then correcting himself, not at Buffy's end. Buffy says that he has to do this for her. Xander finally agrees to do it, for her, and they leave the kitchen. Later that evening, Giles and Willow are running into a few dead ends about this mysterious scythe. They momentarily give up, Willow goes to hold the weapon to see if she feels anything, but she doesn't. Giles thinks that she can use her magic to find out more, but Willow doesn't want to risk it. They go back to work and stumble on something that might be of use to them. Outside, Xander & Dawn are looking for a crossbow in Xander's car. Dawn reminds Xander that she's never left a crossbow lying around ever since that incident with Miss Kitty Fantastico. All of a sudden Xander grabs Dawn from the back and plunges her into unconsciousness using chloroform. He gets her in the car and drives away. Elsewhere Caleb is pretty pissed off at Buffy. The First/Buffy tries to calm him down, and suggest that they merge again. The First goes into its true form and rushes into Caleb. Caleb falls to the floor and his eyes blacken. Back at home Faith's got to grips with the scythe and she can feel its power too. She tells Buffy how alone she felt when leading the potentials and understands, now, how Buffy has been feeling for so many years.
Buffy comes downstairs with the scythe and Spike's at the door. As they go to the back of the house Spike wants to shrug off the night before. It appears Buffy wants to too, but it's not so. It was the best night of Spike's life, just to be so close to her and it was the best thing that has happened to Buffy. Spike walks out of the back door. In the hospital Andrew & Anya are gathering medical supplies. Anya gives a beautiful speech on why she's still there and still willing to fight. Andrew doesn't think he's going to survive but Anya tries to reassure him. They end their stealing in a wheelchair fight. Buffy is at a graveyard and walks through a set of gates leading her to a pyramid shaped tomb or building. She kicks the door down and inside sees a woman. She says she looks very good for her age. She explains who she is, a Guardian, watching over the watchers who watched the slayers. The Guardians forged the scythe for the final battle. Before she could say anything else her neck is snapped by Caleb. Back to Xander and Dawn, and Dawn's beginning to wake up. Xander hands her a note from Buffy. As Dawn reads it, she nears the end and then blasts Xander with a tazer gun and turns the car around. Back to Buffy and a fight breaks out between Caleb and Buffy, a rather mean one at that. Things begin to look bad for our slayer and then Caleb is knocked on the floor, by Angel! Angel helps Buffy up and is just about to launch into the fight again when Buffy stops him and says it's her deal. Angel watches as Buffy and Caleb fight. Caleb finds the pointy end of the scythe and falls to the floor. Angel and Buffy say their proper helloes and embrace in a kiss. From behind the corner, Spike watches with The First urging him on.