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Janur 23.-n Buffy jtk az Im-neten! Mennytek s jtszatok, remlem ezttal sikerlni fog!!!

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Buffy 3. szezon
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7.vad : 22. Chosen

22. Chosen

  2004.10.14. 20:00

Spike idegesen visszamegy s elkezd pflni egy boxzskot, amire egy fej van rajzolva, ami nagyon hasonlt Angelre. Ekzbe Buffy megkszni Angelnek a segtsget, s Angel tad neki egy meglt, amit Buffy ksbb Spikenak fog adni, s Buffy elkldi t. Amint hazar, Buffy lemegy a pincbe Spikehoz s szreveszi mit ill. kit pfl es beszlgets utn ott alszik s tadja Spikenak a medlt. Amikor eljn a vgs harc Anya a nagy kzdelemben meghal, mert kettvgjk, de a vgn Andrew ezt elmesli Xandernek. Spike megmenti a vilgot, felldozza magr, s meghal. Buffy kzli vele, hogy szereti s knnyek kztt elbcsuznak egymstl. sszeomlik a barlang de Buffyk megmeneklnek s vgignzik, ahogy Sunnydale elpusztul!!!!

Buffy and Angel continue to kiss then break off. Seems they're both happy to see one another. He goes to grab a book from the side lines, it appears he knows about The First and he has some information on it that will help them in the battle. Then all of a sudden he's batted aside by the formerly dead Caleb still wanting to fight Buffy. Buffy picks up the scythe and continues to fight. With one swift blow Caleb is split in two, quite literally. At which point Angel wakes up wanting to get some action, but sees Caleb dead, again. Angel goes back to pick the book up from the side. He also shows Buffy an amulet, which can only be worn by someone with a soul. But they have to be stronger than a human, a champion. Angel points out that that will be him. Buffy can't quite believe that he's going to be fighting by her side. At this point Spike leaves the area. After he leaves Buffy tells Angel he can't be there. Angel doesn't want to believe this and the discussion goes outside. Angel senses Buffy's not telling her something and hits on the subject of Spike. Angel figures out there's something going on between them. Buffy uses an analogy of cookie dough to represent her and her situation at the moment. She's not ready for anything. Angel begins to understand, and Buffy tells him that he needs him to be the second front if things don't go as they planned in Sunnydale. With that Angel gives Buffy the amulet and heads off to get the second front ready. Buffy returns home to be greeted by, Dawn! Dawn's a little angry at what Buffy tried to get her to do and Buffy's angry at Dawn not going along, but never the less they get passed it. Buffy goes in and tells them that Caleb is dead, all sliced & diced. Down in the basement Spike is punching a punch bag. Buffy comes down and Spike lets on he knew that Angel was there and they were doing more than talking. She noticed the punch bag, and it's got a cartoon type drawing of Angel's face on it. Buffy's had enough of the jealous vampire act but talks it out with Spike. Spike mentions the amulet and wants Buffy to hand it over. Buffy mentions it's supposed to be worn by a champion. Spike begins to detract his hand when Buffy hands it to him. Spike's surprised at being called a "champion", but he likes it. Buffy asks if she can stay down in the basement with him as Faith's still got her room, Spike says no straight away on account for his pride. Just as Buffy's heading up the stairs Spike calls her down again. The two lay together on the bed in the basement. In the middle of the night Buffy stirs and gets up. As she walks around she's confronted by The First in Caleb's form. The First tries to taunt her, telling her there's no way she and her handful of potentials can beat The First and his army. Spike suddenly wakes from a dream at which point The First disappears. Spike asks her if something's wrong. Buffy then tells him that she just realised something, they're going to win. The next morning Buffy's in one of the bedroom's asking the rest of the gang about a plan of her's. They all think it's pretty insane but they also think it'll work. Willow's having doubts on it, she's going to be a major part of it. Giles reassures her that she can do this, whatever it is she has to do. Everyone begins to get ready their bits for the plan, once everyone is gone Buffy hands Willow the scythe very slowly and they share a serious glance. Downstairs Buffy has assembled everyone, all of the potentials and all of the gang. She addresses them, telling them that she hates what's going on and she hates her being there as well as everyone else. She tells them that she believes that she can defeat this evil and tomorrow they're going to do just that. She's going to walk into the hellmouth and end it all. Right now it's all about choices, and they have to make theirs right now. We then cut to the basement in Sunnydale High where Faith and Robin are moving boxes around. Their conversation turns onto their previous encounter. Robin tells Faith that it was great, but lacking something. Faith's shocked by this and wants to get back at it right that moment. But Robin asks her to make her a promise, when this is all done, he gets to surprise her. That night Willow and Kennedy are sitting on their bed. Willow's pondering over spells and other things she needs to look at. Willow reminds Kennedy that she has to be ready to kill her if anything goes wrong. Kennedy reassures her and they kiss. Willow breaks off the kiss and gets back to the spell work. Downstairs it appears Giles, Xander, Amanda & Andrew are looking at fight plans but they're really playing Dungeons & Dragons. Giles isn't doing too well though he wishes he could go to sleep. Amanda comments, who could sleep on a night like that. Xander says, only the crazy ones, at which point we see Anya asleep on the table. The next morning they all march into a completely empty Sunnydale High, Robin giving them the faux rules of the corridors. Buffy gives them the plans once their indoors. The potentials follow Faith & Spike to the basement. As they go Xander warns them to go to the bathroom now because there won't be another time. Robin points Willow & Kennedy to his office where Willow's going to set up. Kennedy takes her things to get ready for that as Willow stays in the hall. Robin points out the weakest places in the building, three of them. Giles reckons they should break up into teams of two with Giles and Robin taking one point, Xander & Dawn taking the other and finally Andrew & Anya taking the last one. Xander reminds Anya not to forget using Andrew as a human shield. Andrew starts to make a very awkward goodbye speech mentioning people to thank, but Anya drags him away telling him that no one really cares. Dawn heads off to her point with a bag of weapons. Buffy calls after her, but Dawn stops her from saying anything, it'll only be saying goodbye. Buffy turns back to the remaining three people, Giles, Willow & Xander. Conversation turns on what to do the next day. Willow suggests the mall, and it sounds like they're all at high school again. As they walk off Giles is left saying, "The world is definitely doomed.". Walking down the dark hallway the three friends break off one by one, with Willow going first. Xander then breaks off leaving Buffy to head down to the basement. She goes to the area of the seal of Danzathar where Faith, Spike & the rest of the potentials are huddled around the seal. Faith hands Buffy a knife, and one by one each slayer and potential cuts themselves in order to open the seal. The seal opens and they all head down into the hellmouth. Willow and Kennedy are settles on the floor of Robin's former office. Willow still thinks Kennedy may have to kill her. Kennedy believes in Willow and just as Willow starts Kennedy mumbles, "Make it happen.". As Buffy and co walk into the hellmouth they look over the ledge deep inside it. There are thousands of Turok-Hans ready for the battle. Buffy hopes Willow can do her magic before any of them see them, but that's already happened. Willow then starts to pant, and says, "Oh, my goddess.". The scythe glows white and it's power is clear. We then flashback to the speech Buffy was telling the potentials the day before. Buffy tells them that Willow will use the essence of the scythe to change all their destinies. Girls all around the world are suddenly hit with a power. Back to present time and the scythe continues to glow very brightly. The Turok-Hans continue their advance but they're not as scared as they were. All the potentials have been imbued with the power of the slayer and they're all ready for this final battle. The potentials are holding their own pretty well. Kennedy smiles at her new found power, then looks at Willow. Willow herself is glowing and her hair's turned white. The spell ends and Willow hands the scythe to Kennedy to take it to Buffy. Kennedy dashes off as Willow collapses on the floor saying, "That was nifty.". The battle is going well. Kennedy enters the fray and hands Buffy the scythe. Then all of a sudden some of the Turok-Hans slip through the first front and climb up through to the seal. Anya & Andre are getting ready. Anya can't believe what she's doing there and she's very scared of what's to come. Andrew tries to reassure her but mentions bunnies and Anya's off attacking the oncoming Turok-Hans. Some Turok-Hans attack Giles and Robin and they take care of them. Down in the hellmouth as Spike fights off some more the amulet appears to be doing something. Spike yells out in pain. Buffy calls out commands to the rest of the potentials but while doing this she gets a sword straight through her! She looks at her wound, lurches forward then collapses. Faith sees her, Buffy hands her the scythe and tells her to tow the line. Faith grabs it and does her best. Upstairs Dawn & Xander are fighting the Turok-Hans in their own way, Xander doing the fighting and Dawn letting loose a whole load of sunshine. Bringers appear, Andrew & Anya are swamped. Andrew's surrounded, just as she saves Andrew from a Bringer she gets a knife into her back killing her. Robin & Giles are attacked by Bringers, Robin gets a knife to the gut, just as he falls Giles catches him. In the hellmouth things are looking bad. Buffy's confronted by The First in Buffy's form. The First tells her that Buffy nearly had her, it was close. This gives Buffy enough mite to get up, with her wound, Rona sees Buffy rising from the ground and chucks her the scythe. Buffy goes back into action knocking back a whole load of Turok-Hans off the ledge that they're on. Spike punches forward but then staggers back in pain. He says, "Oh bullocks." and stumbles backwards. A huge piece of shooting light goes through him, from the amulet straight up through the whole school. Entire ranks of the Turok-Hans are instantly incinerated by the piercing light. Faith orders the potentials to get out of there. Buffy's the last one, she wants to stay. Spike urges her to go on, he has to do this. Buffy still stays, despite Faith's calls to her. Buffy grabs Spike's hand and they lock together. Both hands set on fire, Buffy tells him she loves him. But Spike doesn't believe it. They smile and Buffy leaves, Spike wants to find out how it all ends. Outside Giles helps Robin to safety, Robin decides to use the school bus. Giles directs the potentials into there. Xander helps Willow out, then calls for Anya but he doesn't see her body laying in the rubble. Dawn grabs him as the building collapses around them. Once Faith gets in the bus' engine starts up and they're on their way. Dawn looks out of the back waiting for Buffy to appear. Buffy's making her way to the top of the building. She manages to get to the roof and jumps over roof tops to get to the buss. She finally jumps on the top of the bus. Just as the bus drives away from Sunnydale, the entire town collapses into the ground leaving nothing behind. They're all eventually in the clear. Faith tells Robin to stop and he does. Buffy gets off from the top and embraces Dawn. They all walk over to the hole that was Sunnydale. Giles doesn't understand what happened. Buffy tells him it was Spike. Just as they look over the town that was Sunnydale Buffy realises something. Giles almost breaks the happiness by mentioning a hellmouth in Cleveland. Buffy's not the chosen anymore, she can lead a normal life. Dawn asks, "What are we going to do?" and Buffy just continues to smile.

A ht animcija

Nagyon szpen krlek titeket ezen az ton is hogy egyttes ervel ti is rjtok al azt a peticit, amit a Buffy megszntatse ellen indtottak...

Remlem ez befojsolja majd a Viasat3-at s visszateszik a msorra:



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Induls: 2004-09-20
Szrny Szmontarts
Buffy Chat

:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$
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